One of the most important issues that people face in educational migration is the issue of accommodation and dormitory. In different countries, there are usually three ways to accommodate students, which are as follows: The first way is to rent a residential unit by the student himself. If you have financial resources, it can be a suitable option because in this case, the person will live independently and will have more freedom and to some extent prosperity. Usually, the high cost of renting a residential unit for students who generally do not have a fixed source of income makes few people choose this option. Or some rent a residential unit as a group. The second solution is to use hostels and hotels. In this way, doing some things like cleaning the room by the service department and quick and easy access to hotel food and reducing the effort of cooking makes many of these people choose this option. The third way is to use student dormitories. These dormitories are provided by the university to students. Generally, these dormitories are in the university campus. Or they are located at a short distance from the university.