❗️❗️ University Kosygina ❗️❗️
ℹ️ On 09/09/2022 between the Global Student Support Center organization and Moscow University of Art, Design and Technology
⏸An exclusive contract was signed to help foreign students in this university, and all affairs of foreign students in this university, including: registration in Padfak, main course in all different fields, transfer to different fields in this university are supported by the Global Center organization. from students, and these things will be done completely 🔤🔤🔤🔤 of charge.
⏸ This university is considered to be one of the best art and music universities in the world, with a global ranking of 869 in QS.
⏸ It is possible to study in all fields of this university in person or online according to the choice of applicants, even for employees, classes are held online at the end of office hours from seven to ten at night.
ℹ️ This university has faculties:
⏸ Economy and management
⏸Big and small industries
⏸ Art
⏸ Design
⏸Information technology and digital transformation
⏸ Chemical technology and industrial ecology
⏸ Social science engineering
⏸ Mechatronics and technician work
⏸ Russian culture
⏸Music, singing
ℹ️ Registration deadline in this university: ⌛
⏸ It starts from 01/06/2024 and continues until 18/08/2024. ⌛
ℹ️ Tuition fee for different fields in this university is different and it starts from 1000 dollars per year and reaches 2500 dollars per year depending on the type of field. 💸💵
ℹ️ The length of the study period in all fields is four years for the bachelor's degree, two years for the master's degree and two years for the doctorate.
ℹ️ Required documents to register for people who intend to study in this university, (registration through us) requires the following documents 📝 :
⏸ Passport scan
⏸ High school diploma scan
⏸ Scanning high school diploma transcripts
ℹ️ The entrance exam of this university is online and only includes the Russian language. 🖥🖥
ℹ️ There are two ways for the applicants who register through the organization of this university:
⏸ Intensive course (the cost of the entire course is $950)
⏸ The full fee is $1,780 for students who register through the organization, and it is $2,200 for students from other companies. This price difference is applied through the university so that foreign students can only rely on the organization to do all their affairs. Benefit from organization discounts.
ℹ️ General words of the head of the Global Student Support Center organization about the Moscow State University of Art and Music, Design, Technology, Kosygina University
ℹ️ Commemorative photo with the head of the International State University of Art and Music, Design, Technology of Moscow, Kosygina University or РГУ.А.Н.КОСЫГИНА or Universitet Kosygina on 09/09/2022, after the meeting of examining issues related to the study of foreign students in This university.
ℹ️ Direct and official power of attorney of the Moscow State University of Art and Music, Design, Technology, Kosygina University or РГУ им.А.Н.КОСЫГИНА or University Kosygina. To the organization of the Global Center for Student Support. ℹ️ The Global Student Support Center organization was selected and appointed as the direct and exclusive representative of this university to handle all the affairs of foreign students in this university.
8 دیدگاه

آرن آلوردو پاسخ
لورم ایپسوم متن ساختگی با تولید سادگی نامفهوم از صنعت چاپ و با استفاده از طراحان گرافیک است.

لیندا اسمال پاسخ
لورم ایپسوم متن ساختگی با تولید سادگی نامفهوم از صنعت چاپ و با استفاده از طراحان گرافیک است. چاپگرها و متون بلکه روزنامه و مجله در ستون و سطرآنچنان که لازم است و برای شرایط فعلی تکنولوژی مورد نیاز و کاربردهای متنوع با هدف بهبود ابزارهای کاربردی می باشد.

سیما احمدی پاسخ
لورم ایپسوم متن ساختگی با تولید سادگی نامفهوم از صنعت چاپ و با استفاده از طراحان گرافیک است. چاپگرها و متون بلکه روزنامه و مجله در ستون و سطرآنچنان که لازم است و برای شرایط فعلی تکنولوژی مورد نیاز و کاربردهای متنوع با هدف بهبود ابزارهای کاربردی می باشد.

نولان دیویدسون پاسخ
لورم ایپسوم متن ساختگی با تولید سادگی نامفهوم از صنعت چاپ و با استفاده از طراحان گرافیک است. چاپگرها و متون بلکه روزنامه و مجله در ستون و سطرآنچنان که لازم است و برای شرایط فعلی تکنولوژی مورد نیاز و کاربردهای متنوع با هدف بهبود ابزارهای کاربردی می باشد.
جورجیا اسمیت پاسخ
لورم ایپسوم متن ساختگی با تولید سادگی نامفهوم از صنعت چاپ و با استفاده از طراحان گرافیک است.